Fully Managed IT Service Provider

Pure iTek sets your business up for great productivity

Pure iTek can bridge the gap between Apple and Microsoft. We accomplish this by working directly with you or with your existing in-house IT department.

Our team is trained across both Apple and Microsoft platforms. This training allows us to integrate Apple into predominantly Microsoft organizations.

We offer a number of IT services, some of which include:

  • Configuring zero-touch Apple device setup using mobile device management

  • Building security solutions to keep your business safe

  • Creating your disaster recovery plan including cloud backups

  • Integrating Apple computers into your Microsoft Active Directory

  • Ensuring your company is in compliance with regulatory standards and best practices

Pure iTek provides you with everything required to get any job done, from anywhere.

Improving Business Functionality With Our Cross-Platform Software Expertise

Pure iTek is skilled at software integration. Software integration is one of our fundamental services. Businesses today have access to a variety of software platforms, both cloud-based and on-site to enhance productivity. It can be overwhelming for you to decide which software to purchase.

Since incorporating in 2008, Pure iTek has worked with businesses in many industries. Employing our custom fit consulting and innovative solutions will improve your full business functionality.

HomePod Mini


The HomePod is back and better than ever. The new HomePod Mini is Apple’s newest smart speaker and is only half the size of the original HomePod. The HomePod mini is smaller and packs in more features.

New HomePod Mini Features

One fantastic new feature is stereo pair. When you put two HomePod Minis in the same room, they will recognize each other and separate left and right channels to create a stereo pair. If you want to put two HomePod Minis beside each other on a bookshelf they will recognize each other and ask you if you would like to pair them.

Another new feature is Intercom. To use Intercom all you have to do is tell your HomePod Mini, “Hey Siri, tell everyone to come for dinner.” and your message will broadcast through all your HomePod Minis, all your household members AirPods, and send every ones iPhones, iPads, etc. a text to come to for dinner.

A third new feature is automatic Bluetooth connection between iPhone and HomePod Mini. All you need to do is unlock your iPhone and connect the HomePod Mini to your iPhone by using Bluetooth. This allows you to play any song, movie or video through your HomePod Mini.

My favourite new feature is that Siri can recognize up to six different family members and create a personalized experience.

Intercom on the Apple ecosystem

Intercom on the Apple ecosystem

Pre-Order Date and Price

The pre-order date for the HomePod Mini is November 6, 2020 and the price is $129 (CAD).

Working From Home - Work Remotely With Confidence

Tech tips to help make remote work setup easily.

Giving employees the freedom to work from home is a trend we’ve been setting up more and more over the last decade. It’s up to you to assess the advantages and disadvantages of remote employees.

Wi-Fi performance: Do you have a lot of devices competing for throughput on a basic home network? Overloading networks can cause downgraded performance. Home networks with multi band routers to segment your wireless network into two networks or a basic update on your Wi-Fi router to run the latest firmware can improve your access and efficiency.

Internet boost: Before an extended work-from-home session, do you have fast enough Internet to support working function? Does your work include large file sharing, video editing and video conferencing, or other bandwidth-intensive tasks? You may need to contact your ISP to upgrade Internet speed.

Home Network Security: Ensuring all security updates are complete and having a working anti-virus program are necessary. Home security ensure that no virus or malware are transmitted from your home network to your work network.

If you have any questions, give us a call 780-709-3881 or email.