Working From Home - Work Remotely With Confidence

Tech tips to help make remote work setup easily.

Giving employees the freedom to work from home is a trend we’ve been setting up more and more over the last decade. It’s up to you to assess the advantages and disadvantages of remote employees.

Wi-Fi performance: Do you have a lot of devices competing for throughput on a basic home network? Overloading networks can cause downgraded performance. Home networks with multi band routers to segment your wireless network into two networks or a basic update on your Wi-Fi router to run the latest firmware can improve your access and efficiency.

Internet boost: Before an extended work-from-home session, do you have fast enough Internet to support working function? Does your work include large file sharing, video editing and video conferencing, or other bandwidth-intensive tasks? You may need to contact your ISP to upgrade Internet speed.

Home Network Security: Ensuring all security updates are complete and having a working anti-virus program are necessary. Home security ensure that no virus or malware are transmitted from your home network to your work network.

If you have any questions, give us a call 780-709-3881 or email.